Specialist training for your Team

Enhance your team skills in recognising, assessing for and working with or referring on clients with emotional eating or binge eating disorder.

Choose from a short introductory group training with CEU's, to full training for selected team members.

Integrate assessment and specialist support for emotional eating and binge eating disorder into your service.

Why should our team take this training?

If your team are Health Coaches, Nutritionists or Mental Health professionals, they already know that a significant percentage of service users struggle with emotional eating & binge eating - but they don't know if they should try to help - is it out of scope? - and they don't know HOW to help.
Up to 30% of adults seeking support for weight loss meet the criteria for Binge Eating Disorder.

Obesity related absenteeism costs the US economy $6.3B annually.
The cost of obesity related healthcare is $150B. The cost to Medicaid is $8 annually.
In T2 Diabetes the incidence of binge eating disorder is 38%, in bariatric patients it is over 60%.
Any area of obesity related care - from T2D to cardiac rehab, orthopedics and bariatric surgery, experience the 'hidden saboteur' of emotional eating and binge eating disorder.



Introduction to Working with Emotional Eating and Binge Eating Disorder

Live, online via zoom - ideal for remote teams

Approved for 3 CEU/CPD credits per participant - certificates awarded

Minimum 8 participants required.

Masterclass Pack and Resources

All participants receive a comprehensive handout pack with several tools to take away and use with clients/patients. There will be plenty of time for interaction and Q&A during the session.


Specialist Training in Emotional Eating and Binge Eating Disorder

Training for team members to specialise in emotional eating & binge eating disorder

Low cost, high value integration of assessment and specialist support into your service

Approved for 36 CEU/CPD credits - certificates awarded

Minimum 6 participants required for in-house team training. Individual professionals join our standard training groups.

Working with Emotional Eating and Binge Eating Disorder is not about food or weight, it is about feelings.

Specialist support is required to help clients effectively resolve emotional or binge eating, and move on to a new, healthier and helpful relationship with food. It goes WAY beyond lifestyle and behavior change!

It is never obvious that a client is struggling with Emotional Eating or Binge Eating Disorder. They can be any age, any weight and any gender - 40% of sufferers are male.

Eating Disorders also affect all nationalities and ethnicities - trauma is universal, as are weight related health issues.


Adults struggling with emotional or binge eating rarely voluntarily disclose their unhelpful relationship with food.

This is because Binge Eating Disorder is a secretive, shameful condition that clients work hard to hide.

If you are not asking the right questions from the start, clients will rarely disclose it voluntarily.

Clients hold deep fears about letting go of emotional eating - how will they 'cope' without it?

Disordered eating becomes part of a client's identity. The fear of 'who will I be without this' is unconscious, but very real. 

Clients need to be met with compassion and understanding by a trained professional. In this environment, clients feel safe to discuss their emotional relationship with food, and trained health professionals feel equipped and confident in supporting clients to let go of their disordered eating. 

Assessing and supporting this significant cohort of your clients / patients will help you reduce attrition, therapeutic inertia and 'non-compliance' - improving your outcomes.


Our comprehensive training will give your team members everything they need to effectively assess for and work with adults struggling with long standing emotional eating and binge eating disorder.  'Non-compliance' is rarely simple non-compliance, it is very often undisclosed binge eating disorder. Lifestyle and behaviour change will never get to the root of trauma related emotional or binge eating, your team need a specialist toolkit of resouces, and advanced training to provide effective support.

Groups of 1-5 practitioners can train with our general training which runs over 12 weeks. General training blends weekly self-directed learning with live 90 minute weekly calls on Fridays, and case study work with clients or patients within your service. This allows you to see the benefit of this training immediately.  

If you have 6+ team members to train, contact us to discuss the most time efficient way to deliver dedicated training to your group.



Enquire today if you plan to improve your service and outcomes.
Have team members trained to specialise in emotional eating and binge eating disorder.
Or enquire about subcontracting us to deliver this specialist support to your service users.

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