I started with the coach in September, and we finished up in January. I felt the program was tough Emma to be honest and there were some sessions that were really, really hard. You don't feel it at the time, but the growth in every session is immense.
I was never as glad to have someone like Denise bringing me through this journey, and I owe her a huge amount of gratitude.
I would also like to extend my praises to yourself for all your videos which I have now for future reference and also for your part in my change since doing your program.
I am eternally grateful to you both. I have learned so much, and I know I have more to learn, but I feel so much happier now.
May you always have the strength to help others like you have me.
I think the range and breadth of the program was excellent. I really appreciated the fact it wasn't focused on weight. It was focused on health and well-being. The Eating Freely team, they really know the complexity of binge eating disorder.
I would say there has been a 75% drop in binge eating, the program has definitely helped with that. I've taken it all on board and I've lost weight because I've not been binge eating. But the good thing is the losing of the weight has come as a byproduct of not bingeing. It's not been any conscious effort to lose weight, if you know what I mean.
I'm focusing much more on health and well-being, not weight and weight loss, and that that feels very liberating to ditch the pressure to lose weight’.
Through this program, I learned that I have old outdated beliefs and preconceived thoughts about how I see myself and others.
I found looking back brought up a lot of suppressed issues from childhood/negative experiences that shaped my viewpoint as I grew older.
This is helpful for me to understand, I've learned to be kinder to myself, and I am able to more forward.
I've been meaning to reach out since I finished up the Eating Freely program a few months ago. My guess is it's not the first time you'll have had this feedback, but the experience has been life changing.
I'm not sure that I have the words to describe the turnaround in my attitude to food, my body, self-companion. The program has had consequences on my whole outlook that I never could have imagined.
I have ended (won!) a decades long battle with weight and food, and I am so much more content with life in general.
don't need food anymore to celebrate and commiserate. For me this has just been an absolute game changer. Before it would absolutely have been at 100% for emotional eating. Now? I wouldn't even say it's even 15/20% of the time...
Yes, I will enjoy myself. Yes, if something is gonna kind of nourish me, not just from a nutritional point of view, but from an emotional point of view, I'll have it. But I don't need to carry on having it if that makes sense? I don't think I can accurately convey just how much the program helped me.’
For me it's that simple. I see it on the shelf and think ‘Do I need that?’ If I have that, am I going to think I shouldn't have had that and then end up punishing myself because of it? If I feel that that's going to be the case, I just don't have it.’
As a man leading a team and with a family, I felt ashamed of my secret eating - usually in my car. Through this program I learned how my childhood, my dad's drinking and being the eldest all played a part in my behaviour. I'm in a far happier place now - in work, in my marriage and with myself.
I have made self-care a priority. Food/body image does not take up as much of my thinking as it did before, and my mind set towards these things is more relaxed. I have cut back significantly on the amount of takeaways I order and binge on. I feel like the eating disorder is less of an issue than it was, and I am beginning to move on from it.
Honestly, I can say something has clicked. Whether it's the simplicity, whether it's just being kind to yourself and realising I don’t need to beat myself up if I don't get this perfect. The tools have been so useful. Is it going to nourish me or is it going to punish me? And if it's going to punish me, I'm not having it.
I think the key thing has been through the whole thing is there's no good or bad foods anymore. It's just food. The fact you've got a mix of the online, you've got downloadable materials which you can then go back and refer to. We've had the online support, which has been absolutely phenomenal’
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